Cost and Prices
Underground homes
have actually been around for thousands of years even if you do
not include our caveman ancestors. However, while living in caves
was deemed unsuitable because of their cold and dampness. Modern
technology and materials have actually made underground living
a desirable option in today's market.
Underground Home Construction
can find underground housing around the world and they are
quickly becoming an option for those who want to live in
more environmentally friendly manner. But what exactly qualifies
as an underground home and what are the advantages that
they bring including the cost?
What is an Underground
Essentially, an underground
home is defined as one where the walls and at least part, if not
all of the roof are situated either below the ground surface or
inside a hill or other natural feature. On the inside, such homes
are actually difficult to distinguish from their above-ground
counterparts save for the lack of windows letting in the outside
A proper underground
home does provide many benefits and in today's energy economy
they are become more popular as a result. In fact, there are companies
in most US states that have the capabilities of constructing a
house underground.
The Advantages
of Living Underground
Energy Efficiency:
Because the sides of the home are covered in layers of dirt it
makes the home very energy efficient in terms of heating and cooling.
In fact, properly constructed underground homes maintain their
temperatures very well in all types of environmental conditions.
This is arguably the biggest reason why more people are choosing
to go below. Homeowners can save 50 - 90 percent on their utility
bills by living underground.
A home that is underground requires fewer maintenance measures
that an above-ground structure. There are no outer walls to paint,
windows to maintain or in most cases any re-roofing measures if
the soil itself is acting as the roof itself. This also can save
you thousands of dollars over the long run.

Dome Home Ready to Be Sprayed and Buried
Underground housing offers far more protection for their residents
from tornados, high winds and other environmental hazards as well.
The walls of an underground home are very thick and waterproofed
which resists moisture damage, so an investment in such a home
can pay real dividends when a natural disaster strikes.
The Cost of Construction
This is the aspect
of the underground home that is the least appealing. A typical
underground home costs roughly 15 - 25% more than a regular home
of the same size. This is because to construct an underground
home a considerable amount of digging is required. Also working
with concrete is labor intensive which can drive the price up.
However, it must be
noted that the energy savings which may be upwards of 85% to 90%
means that the extra expense will be more than compensated in
a short period of time.
While the current
resale value of an underground house is not as high as their above
ground counterparts, it is still good enough to attract those
who are also conscious about conserving energy costs and green
living. An underground home can provide you and your family a
comfortable living for many years to come without the high prices
of electricity, heating and air conditioning bills which makes
the additional cost of building this type of home well worth it.

Las Vegas Underground Home
Prices in Buying
an Underground Home
The prices for buying
underground homes vary widely. In some parts of the country a
structure dug into the side of a hill may cost under $50,000.
And on the upside, an abandoned missile silo home with some acreage
may cost over $1 million.
In March of 2014 an
underground dwelling in Las Vegas (pictured above) closed at $1.15
million. In Taos, New Mexico a 950 square foot earthship home
was put on the market for $139,000.In Medford, Oregon there is
a subsurface home selling for $229,000 and in Paris, Missouri
there's an earth sheltered home selling for $295,000.
So, you can see when it comes to cost and prices of underground
housing there are no hard and fast rules, only guidelines.
Whether you decide to build or buy, there is one certainty, however.
You will save on energy bills. And this is enough of an incentive
for many people to move forward in the decision-making process.