Underground Cottages
Hobbits have long been known to inhabit underground homes with
their large hairy feet. However, for mankind, this is a rather
new concept that is catching on due to multiple reasons such as
ecological, unique designs, and lastly, in case of war.
These underground communities are cropping
up all around the country and range in cost of a few thousand
to millions depending on size and amenities.
Underground Cottage
Many are familiar with Frank Lloyd Wright's designs and breathtaking
architectural marvels. One of the most famous is called "Falling
Water," which is a home that sits over a waterfall and blends
into the forest, one with nature. Now a new venture is under way
to build high end modern underground cottages that will resemble
small knolls with sweeping grass covering the exterior of the
domed homes near the Falling Water house.
The purpose of the community is ecological or "going green"
by design. An underground cottage with be naturally insulated
from the environment and save on energy consumption. The underground
cottages will blend in naturally with the landscape and help to
conserve the natural beauty of Mother Nature, which is a new trend
away from crackerjack homes in cement jungles of roads, fences
and bland colors.
Hotel owners are getting into the act and novelty of offering
underground cottages for rent. Take for instance PJ's Underground
Cottage (pictured above) in Sydney, Australia. On their website
they say, "Enjoy your own two bedroom dugout (sleeping four
in a queen and two singles), nestled in the opal mines of Turley'
Hill. The modern cottage has a wonderful winter sun area, a full
kitchen, laundry and everything you need to dig in for your White
Cliffs holiday."
Cottages Step Aside ...
Aside from underground cottages, architects have created stunning
larger underground homes for millionaires and businesses alike.
Currently under production is a small resort of 11 hostels in
Italy, the city of Bozen. A former British football star had an
underground home built with several outdoor sections, which from
above appear as a flower and is relatively large for underground
complexes at a large 8,000 square feet. From underground hotels,
estates, and cave dwellings, the hip scene is improving its appeal
for many as an underground revolution stirs up a new life.
Lastly, survival is a primal instinct for everyone - especially
in the face of another world war involving the super powers. For
those looking for safe havens when everything goes bad, for several
thousand dollars you can have a small bomb shelter constructed
underground by people like "The Survival Center". Or
for those do-it-yourselfers get some designs online and rent a
bobcat for a week and get ready to roll up your sleeves. Oh, and
bring lots of cement.
is an underground cottage design concept (pictured left).
However, it is recommended that professionals are hired for a
full proof bomb shelter and that local codes are followed to ensure
a safe haven for all those under its protection. For those with
larger wallets, you can build a full house underground, including
bathrooms, water, and a kitchen for several hundred thousand dollars.
Make It a Hobbit ...
In conclusion, underground cottages are an affordable solution
for survival, green peace love, economical design, or for eco
travel. As the world's desirable land fills up, people will look
for other alternatives such as underground or in the ocean. What
we know is that hobbits have survived for thousands of years like
this, and so can we.