Subterranean Homes
Also called 'earth shelter' or 'solar' homes, subterranean homes
have been talked about since the seventies for their ability to
conserve energy. The production cost of these homes' architecture
and well-engineered plans have been very highly priced, historically.
Currently, however, there are subterranean
home kits that are more budget-friendly and give you all
the advantages and comforts of traditional subterranean
Subterranean Home
You can purchase a kit that has all the materials along with
the directions included in it. On the other hand, you can buy
the materials yourself, especially if you have some experience
with these endeavors and know what you are doing. People who are
doing this for the first time will most likely need the advice
of an expert underground home contractor and builder.
Subterranean homes give you a steady all-year round temperature.
These types of 'underground' homes feature excellent cooling and
heating efficiencies and ample yard space. Unique architecture
is another feature of these types of homes. Nearly disaster proof,
subterranean homes offer comfort and safety that you can find
in an easy-to-install kit for your convenience.
The Truth of the Matter
Subterranean homes sometimes give the misconception of being
as dimly lit and damp as caves. People have the notion that underground-dwelling
places are automatically dirty, dark and unsafe. This cannot be
further from the truth. Although it is true that the underground
dome homes are modeled according to the architecture of igloos,
the interior of these homes are as attractive and as modern as
regular homes.

Subsurface House
As a matter of fact, the fact that light travels much more effectively
through homes that are subterranean ensures a well-light, bright
and sunny home. You can even have your own subterranean home kit
customized to fit your needs and design preferences.
Subterranean home kits begin approximately six feet underground,
where the temperature is a consistent fifty degrees all year round.
Too chilly for comfort, you can manipulate the parts of the home
that is exposed to sunshine, saving you eighty percent of energy
compared to a regular home's system for heating. Kits of subterranean
homes do not need cooling in the summer, saving you the need to
acquire an air-conditioner.
What is the Secret?
The key to the success of many subterranean designs are the dome-like
structures. The dome that is built with the house lets it withstand
all the pressures that the earth produces around it. Rectangular
homes have a harder time withstanding this kind of weight unless
they have numerous support beams.
Subterranean home kits normally come with materials, directions
and plans. There are other kits that let you purchase all the
separate materials yourself and build the house according to specific
instructions. If you can afford to live 'on site' as you build
your home, you will be able to enjoy building your home at a fraction
of the cost of normal subterranean home construction built by
a contractor and crew.