Lighting Underground Homes
The reduced area available for installing windows may become
a problem when it comes to lightning solutions for underground
homes. It goes without saying that regular homes get their natural
light from skylights and windows.
However, there are sources of natural
light that you can try for underground homes, even though
the results may not be more difficult to attain than in
the case of regular homes.
Underground Home Interior Lighting
The benefits of skylights are to provide sunlight and good air
circulation. In the case of underground homes, skylights can also
be installed with security purposes in mind, as they can be used
as emergency exits in the eventuality of other exits being blocked.
The major problem of skylights in
underground homes is that they lead to considerable heat
loss in the winter, while in the summer they radiate plenty
of heat. Other inconveniences include hearing the rain and
the lack of privacy, unless you decide to use translucent
The good news is that there are plenty of excellent skylights
available on the market today and if you choose double-pane constructions,
you will be able to minimize heat loss and gain at the same time.
If you are worried about your privacy, you can choose one of the
models that come with venetian-blind construction under the plexiglass
or glass.
If you decide to install windows in the front of your underground
or earth sheltered home, make sure you place them in the direction
of the south in order to let the sun rays to enter your home in
daytime and offer you a natural source of heating besides lighting.
Lengthening the depth of light penetration is possible by installing
the windows as high in the wall as possible. However, make sure
that the window is still low enough to maximize the action of
the sun rays for heating purposes.
Artificial Lightning
Even if you succeed in adding plenty of natural light in your
underground home, you will still need some sources of artificial
lightning. A good option to consider is recessed lighting, as
these lights will provide bright illumination that is diffused
at the same time.
If you want more functionality to your underground lighting plan,
you can use spotlights and directional lights, which can be pointed
in various directions or mounted on the wall and ceiling. These
types of lights are also excellent for highlighting the architecture
of your home.
You can also obtain lighting with
a great deal of versatility by using track lights, which
are compact and small, thus giving you the possibility to
move them along a track according to your preferences. They
are the perfect solution for altering the lightning scheme
for those moments you want to watch a movie or host a party.
Finally, simple lamps that match your décor are unpretentious
solutions that will offer you the exact amount of illumination
you need for having dinner, reading and all other sorts of activities
in your underground home.