Earth Homes
Earth homes is a name given for underground
homes, earth berm homes,
earth-sheltered homes
and several other types that defy description. Basically, earth
homes are any kind of house construction that uses Mother Earth
to in some way prop up, insulate or form a wall of the structure.
Earth Homes
Some people even use the term earth homes
to describe properties that use the natural resources to
supply energy and food for the family living there.
For instance, an organic farm that not only sells its produce
but uses its crops to feed that family might be considered an
earth home.
Grid-Free ...
But, for this kind of set up to really be considered one of the
earth homes it needs to be off-grid as well. This means the use
of solar, wind, geothermal or microhydro power will be needed
to supply electricity for the home.
Biofuels from crops or methane or hydrogen from animal waste
can also be used for earth homes to generate power. Now, let's
get back to the other kinds of earth homes described earlier.
Backwards, March ...
Underground homes definitely fit the category of earth homes
since they are totally underneath the earth including the roof.
These types of earth homes are mainly made of cinder blocks along
with an advanced ventilation system the circulates air and dehumidifies
it as well.
Whether underground, earth sheltered, bermed or rammed, sealing
the dirt from the structure of earth homes is essential to prevent
bug infestation. Earth sheltered, bermed or rammed homes typically
are covered by dirt on two or three sides and perhaps the roof.
The most typical setup for these earth homes is that they have
three sides covered with dirt plus the roof and one side, preferably
facing south will look like a typical home front. Skylights can
be put in to allow more natural sunlight into the home if desired
or these skylights can be covered at will to keep the blazing
sun out.

Super Modern Earth Home
The advantage of all earth homes that are partially or totally
underground is that they protect homeowners from the elements
such as wind, tornadoes, flooding (if constructed well and in
a preferred location), and even earthquakes because of the solid,
yet flexible construction.
The heating and cooling bills of earth homes are also much cheaper
(as much as 80-percent cheaper) than traditional houses. Add to
this solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or microhydro power
and homeowners can sell their extra electricity back to the grid
and actually profit from their earth homes.
I Spy ...
Another advantage of earth homes is security. If someone where
to break in to the house, they would have limited entry and exit
points. If cameras are installed they don't have to be placed
all around the property but usually in one or two locations.
So, the question is not if one should buy one of the available
earth homes in their area but when. So, what are you waiting for,
why not build or buy your own earth home today?